Teaser: Anthony Renfro #WinterofZombie

Teaser: Anthony Renfro #WinterofZombie

Dying Days



A Zombie Thanksgiving

Dawn stopped at the edge of the parking lot. What she saw in front of her was an apocalyptic nightmare. It was a picture of mass panic frozen in a time of chaos.

The parking lot looked like a war zone–cars burned to metal bodies, cars crashed together, cars turned over, shopping carts everywhere and in all kinds of positions, (food and supplies in these carts long since looted), and bodies, lots and lots of dead bodies. Most of them had been laying out here rotting in the hot sun for far too long, and they were now decayed and gooey, slipping back into the Earth one second at a time.

She closed her eyes, held the gold cross on a chain around her neck, prayed, and then crossed the parking lot.

She stopped when she reached the double doors that led into the grocery store…

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About derekailes2003

I am a science fiction & horror writer from Valparaiso, Indiana. I also love to write horror stories about zombies and cats. I am also a political satirist. In 1985 I wrote my first short story: "The Day It Rained Candy." I also started writing a science fiction series called "Power Force." In 1994 I published my first short story: "The Night Of the Living Redheads." I am currently writing horror short stories with my brother, Mark Cusco Ailes, for the horror collection: "The Second Journey Into The Unknown." In 2015 I will celebrate my 30th Anniversary as a writer. My writing influences are Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Ira Levin, Terry Brooks, R. Karl Largent, Zombie Fiction Writers. I started reading heavily at the age of five and by middle school I had read close to 200 books or more. I'm not talking just thin children's books. I mean Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Star Trek and Star Wars novels and more. I grew up watching Tales From The Crypt, Star Trek, The Twilight Zone, Tales From The Darkside, Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica (the original series) old time horror films with Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Lon Chaney Jr. I also love watching all of the low-budget Full Moon Videos: Puppet Masters and the Trancers. I'm big into 80s horror films: Friday, the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween.

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